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Saturday, September 11, 2010

Importance Of Insurance In Your Life

A human being is an asset that produces revenue. ability to generate revenue depends on the ability of one person, (manual, professional, problem-solving, entrepreneurship, etc.). This is an asset. Asset value can be measured by considering the revenue generated by the person concerned. Human Life Value Concept, provide scientific means to determine the asset value of human life and therefore, the required amount of life insurance ... These techniques, like the other techniques associated with the sale, had to learn on the job.
These assets can also be lost through early sudden death or through disease and disability caused by accident. Accidents may or may not happen. Death will happen, but the timing is uncertain. If that happened around the time of a person's pension, as can be expected that income will usually be stopped, the person concerned can make some other arrangements to meet the needs continue. But if it happened much earlier if alternative arrangements are not in place, there can be disadvantages to people and their families. They rely on income assistance to overcome their difficulties with insurance.
Someone, who may have made arrangements for needs after retirement, will also need insurance. This is because the arrangement will be made based on expectations as some, it is possible to live for 15 years, or that children will be able to look after aged parents. If one hopes does not become a reality, the original settings will be inadequate and there may be difficulties. Life's too long can be as much a problem as too young to die. Both are risks, which must be guarded against. Care insurance.
Thus, the risk of human cases related to:
• premature death• Living too long• Disability• Illness• Unemployment

Monday, September 6, 2010

Life Insurance Quotes and Settlements

In the past, people who received life insurance quotes have always set back silently and just waited for the best offer. Back then, most individuals could be trusted and were assumed to be honest. Today, people are realizing that just because something sounds good, that doesn't mean it is. This is especially true in the insurance settlement market.
When you receive quotes for a payout on your current policy, the company that is purchasing your plan is stating how it will take over the policy for you and provide you with one payment as a life insurance settlement. This type of policy can be quite beneficial for a person who is in dire, financial straits.
All that said, the settlement market is still in its novice beginnings. You should be cautious when you receive quotes regarding the value of your settlement. There are unscrupulous buyers who have no ethical qualms about targeting the elderly and the weak and will give them life insurance quotes which are far less than they should be. They themselves will earn a tidy profit, but the policy seller will often be worse off than he was before.
This should not dissuade you against a settlement for your insurance policy. If you no longer need or want your current coverage or cannot afford it, then changes have to be made. Still, it is very important that you know all the facts before you consider making any alterations to your insurance coverage.
You should always be prudent about any financial transactions you make. Before you make any decision regarding any settlement life insurance quotes, you should talk to a reputable insurance agent first. You want to make sure that you get all that you deserve and not be taken in by scam artists.
Paul Powell is a consumer advocate and father of three children who is always looking for ways to spend money smarter, you can find more insurance advice from Paul and other writers on life insurance quotes and other insurance topics at Insurance County, thanks for checking in.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Life Insurance - It's Not About You, It's About Them

There was a client that I was working with when I sold auto insurance and I asked him who was his life insurance agent. The client responded that he didn't believe in life insurance. I asked him why and he told me that he felt it was bad karma to bet on his own death. I told him that betting on ones death is a sure bet and that he could either bet the house and win big or pull all his chips off the table and try to beat the house. He said he would try to beat the house! This is a common misconception that people have when it comes to life insurance. They feel that they can beat the house when it comes to their own death, but when they lose that bet, they aren't the biggest losers, the children and spouse that they leave without resources to live and take care of themselves are the ones that suffer the most.
Life insurance is a tricky subject to bring up with people. On one hand, you don't want to scare people into thinking about their own mortality, but on the other hand, it's exactly what needs to be done. None of us are guaranteed an opportunity to experience then next day, minute or hour and we need to be reminded of that every now and then. Along with that reminder, there needs to be a frank and serious discussion on what happens when we die. No, not what happens to us, but what happens to the family and the loved ones that we leave behind that depended on us for their care and well-being. This is where life insurance comes into play.
I've had some clients tell me that they have instructed their family to not pay the bills they leave behind when they die. "You can't get cash out of a dead man," is what they say to me. The unfortunate part is that is a very selfish way to look at life and death. What about if your creditors start coming after your co-signer on the loan that you left behind? Or if your kids and wife lose everything they had because they don't have enough money to pay the bills that are left behind? Is that any way to leave a legacy? I think not and the bad part about it is that it's totally preventable and easy to fix. All it takes is a view of life and death that takes you out of the picture and focuses on others in our lives.
Life insurance is not mandated to have, but I believe a serious discussion needs to take place as to why it should be. The reason I believe so is because there are too many families that have lost everything and ended up in a cycle of poverty because the main earner in the family died un expectantly and left no way for the family to live and prosper without falling into debt. Just think how many accidents claim the lives of people everyday? Now think about if only 30% of the victims had life insurance? That leaves 70% of families who are now possibly on the verge of losing everything they have because they now lost either 1/2 or the whole source of the family income. These are strong numbers to think about, but the reality is that it happens everyday. The question is, will you be ready and will your family be ready if it happens to you?
My name is Scotty Hendricks Jr. I am the owner of The Hendricks Group, Risk Management and Financial Services, LLC, based in Jacksonville, Florida. I am a licensed life, health and variable annuity agent in the state of Florida and other states of the country including Georgia and North Carolina. I have been working in the insurance industry since 1999 and feel very passionate about educating people about using insurance to not only secure the present, but also your families future.
My website is http://www.thehendricksgroup.com and I can be contacted through my site or at scottyhendricks@thehendricksgroup.com.

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