When you pay insurance, you are paying a premium or other such fee just in case something happens. If something does occur, your insurance should help you pay for the damages if they are covered in your contract. However, sometimes insurance companies decide to deny you claim even if it is supposed to be covered in your insurance plan. This is called bad faith insurance
People rely on many different types of insurance to help protect them from future bills. For instance, medical or health insurance can aid in doctor payments, as well as expensive treatments should you need care in a hospital. Although you have paid your premium to your insurance company, they may decide to deny your claims so that they are not responsible for the high bills either. You can suffer from bad faith insurance with many other types of coverages, including:
Auto insurance
Homeowner's insurance
Dental insurance
If your insurance company has denied your rightful claim, there are several steps that you can take to protect your rights. First, many insurance companies allow for people to make appeals if their claim is denied. However, you should be very careful to follow your insurance provider's guidelines for appeals. For example, some companies require that you submit your appeal within a certain time after your initial letter of denial.
Should your company still refuse to pay your claim, you should enlist the help of a lawyer to help you fight for your rights. An attorney can help you go through your contract and make sure that the insurance provider is responsible for your claim. You may have to fight this bad faith insurance claim in court. If you are a victim of bad faith insurance, you should keep all of your correspondence with your insurance company regarding the claim so that you can submit it as evidence should you go to court.
It can be very intimidating to stand up to a large, powerful insurance company, and a lawyer can help. You have already paid for the coverage that you deserve, and it is unjust for the company to refuse to pay for your claim.
You should fight back today by visiting the website of the bad faith insurance attorneys from the Abel Law Firm today.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=David_S_Caldwell
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